Let's go on a dream trip again. It likes to work for it. You have to dare to move forward and agree on the next step. You have to open your mind, you have to ask and wonder. Unfortunately, the dream has to be a little scary too - then they say the direction is right.
When you give your all, try and do something for your dream, it will happen. And so it happened again. However, it always feels like coincidences have a part to play as well.
My other job is planning and furnishing public spaces. That's why I have an office and exhibition space in Vaasa, even though my company's main location is in Seinäjoki. Vaasa is a wonderful city, I like it a lot. The sea is close, the people are extremely nice, and the city's architecture and old houses tell their own story about the city's history.
But then to that dream. My office was located on Raastuvankatu. Close to the market, Rewell shopping center. Long story short and honest: the rent was too high in relation to my company's turnover, the truth was harsh and unpleasant. I had to terminate the tenancy. I wrote in the email "I don't want to leave, but now I have to". The landlord responds something like this: "thanks for the notification, but let's see what we can come up with".
A few days after that, I get a phone call from the landlord: "we would have a place for you, it's at the same address, maybe not as good, but the rent is cheaper and it's kind of residential, but suitable for office use". Already on the phone I thought I said "I want" and when I saw the pictures and the base I was completely sure. That will be Ehea's showroom! Something new and different instead of a traditional store. Something experiential and at the same time practical to make my everyday life easier.
And so it became Ehea showroom. The renovation is now nearing completion and next I will get to decorate.
I grabbed Sara Niemi-Korpi for design help. We met last summer when Sara designed a apartment for the Loviisa Housing Fair.
Now my little dream has come true and I'm starting to plan the next step. It's a bit jarring, but that's a really good thing. That's what trying is - at least for me.