Today I have more than yesterday. More wisdom and understanding, more bumps and experiences. Things that make life worth living.
So let the light wake you up to a new day and receive it with a grateful heart. Be kind to yourself and let the light shine inside you as energy and gratitude towards life.

Let the light brighten your mind, your thoughts, your dreams and your future. If your mind is filled with rush, anxiety or fears, stop - take a deep breath and trust your own path. Wherever you're going, you'll find your way there.
Your journey is a lifetime, enjoy every moment of it. Everything you need is already in this moment. Tell good things, bring joy. Respect yourself and others.

As the light fades, remember to thank yourself for today. Embrace the softness and twilight of the light. It's time to calm down and let the body recover, to give up on this day. When you slow down, you see more clearly.
Now is the time to be quiet. Good night.